Information for Parents

What is newborn jaundice?

Many newborns have yellow coloration of skin called jaundice. Jaundice is caused by a substance called bilirubin produced by the breakdown of red blood cells. Most of the time it disappears in 7-10 days as the ability of the liver to get rid of bilirubin improves. Newborn jaundice is normal, but some newborns have conditions that lead to excessive breakdown of red blood cells, creating very high levels of bilirubin in the blood and severe jaundice. This may happen when the blood types of mother and infant are different or, in some babies., when exposed to substances such as menthol, henna, or clothes stored in moth balls.

Can jaundice be dangerous?

If a baby has a very high bilirubin level, he/she can develop permanent brain damage (called kernicterus) or deafness. This can be prevented simply by exposing infants who have jaundice to special lights, called phototherapy. Seeking medical attention early for jaundice is critical because treatment is easy and effective, but less useful once signs of brain injury appear. If you discover the presence of jaundice in your newborn, go immediately to your clinic or hospital. They can evaluate the severity of jaundice and, if indicated, measure the blood bilirubin level to determine whether phototherapy is needed.

How can I recognize jaundice?

Put your child in bright natural daylight. With your finger or thumb, lightly press the forehead or tip of the nose for a few seconds. Notice the color change in the compressed area. If jaundice is present, the compressed area will look yellow before returning to normal color. Other areas that can be examined include: gums in the mouth, and whites of the eyes. If jaundice is present, the bilirubin value should be measured in the medical clinic to determine the severity of the jaundice and whether treatment is needed. Note: Always check for jaundice in daylight, and check for it daily during the first week of life!


What can I do to avoid severe jaundice?

1. Start breastfeeding within 30 minutes of giving birth.
2. Breastfeeding 10-12 times daily.
3. Do not give anything except breast milk, seek help if you feel milk is insufficient.
4. Be aware that sunlight, glucose water, herbs and medicines are not a cure for jaundice.Rather, consult a physician or health provider.
5. Avoid exposing your newborn to dusting powder, henna, menthol, or clothes stored in mothballs(camphor or naphthalene).
6. Do not use any medicine on the umbilical cord unless the doctor prescribes it.


What do I do if my baby has jaundice?

IMMEDIATELY go to the nearest hospital or clinic.
Increase breastfeeding. Consult with your doctor health provider.


How is jaundice treated?

Doctors will place your baby under special lights.
“Phototherapy” changes the structure of bilirubin and allows the liver to excrete it.
Treatment is safe and usually takes 2-4 days.
